What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)

Preseason Prediction Accuracy (total)

This page includes two tables on the accuracy of preseason magazines' conference predictions. The first table is for all years and the second for the most recent few years. In order to qualify for either table, a magazine must have been published for every year used in that table.

The "all-time" table has the advantage of including more data, which means that a single unusually lucky/unlucky year has less impact on the standings. The "all-time" table has the disadvantage of including fewer magazines; many of the magazines available today are not included because they were unavailable one or more of the years.


Table 1. All-Time (1993-2000)

This table presents all-time accuracy, only including those magazines which have been found for every year the preseason consensus has been produced.

Magazine Rank Total
2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Street & Smith 1 1,000 136 138 117 117 103 139 110 140
Lindy's 2 1,023 124 152 116 126 92 123 126 164
Game Plan 3 1,042 132 157 126 118 111 132 122 144
Jim Feist's 4 1,056 129 162 122 134 81 132 136 154
Football Action 5 1,086 136 149 118 140 97 154 130 162
The Sporting News 6t 1,088 135 155 123 140 98 141 132 164
Athlon 6t 1,088 134 149 119 129 109 138 149 161

Table 2. Recent (1998-2000)

This table ranks the magazines' conference predictions, by total score for the last three years.

Magazine Rank Total
2000 1999 1998
Street & Smith 1 391 136 138 117
Lindy's 2 392 124 152 116
Phil Steele's 3 393 130 143 120
Athlon 4 402 134 149 119
Football Action 5 403 136 149 118
Sports Illustrated 6 407 125 158 124
Jim Feist's 7t 413 129 162 122
The Sporting News 7t 413 135 155 123
CPF Newsweekly 9 418 133 157 128
Game Plan 10 421 132 132 157
Preview Sports 11 424 133 153 138
ATS Consultants 12 432 147 158 127

What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)